Ronald Reagan

This is a picture of Ronald Reagan during his presidency.

The 40th President of the United States

January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989

  • Ronald Reagan was the U.S. President during the Cold War (1861-1865).

  • There was an atempt at assassinating him on March 30, 1981. He was shot at Ford's Theater while looking at the "President's Booth" where Abraham Lincolon was shot over a hundred years ago. He was shot left underarm, grazing a rib and lodging it in his lung, causing it to partially collapse, and stopping nearly 1 inch from his heart.

  • Created the Star Wars program, used to trick Russia during the Cold War into believing that we, the U.S., could send back any missile that they sent at us back into their home country.

  • Here is another site on Abraham Lincoln
    Here is a link to a site on the presidents of the U.S.